Sunday, November 19, 2006

Sweet Nothings

1. Last night as I ate jalapeno poppers, I was approached by a good friend of mine who beseeched me to update teh Blog. Luckily, I had just done so, and was thus ahead of the curve. ANYWAY, let me know if you're reading! I have no reason to update if I don't think anyone's listening, and the more comments I get, the less I will feel like this is cyberwanking.

2. I have phases to my candy consumption: I am either on a chocolate kick, or a fruit-based candy kick. I think I've been wavering the past few days, but I'm pretty sure I'm back on chocolate. Hard. I'm usually on chocolate, which is why I haven't finished my one pound bag of Sour Patch Sour Apples. As I write this I realize that I'm shafting a small but important sector of the candy community. There are plenty of candies that aren't chocolate or fruit. Nut candies, sesame seed bars, peanut butter items, caramels, mints.

3. I might make some walnut caramels with my mom when I get home for Turkey break.

4. I have a dentist appointment on Wednesday. I KNOW I have at least one new cavity. My guess is between one and three. I should just start rapping now, there's going to be so much metal in my mouth.

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